- Increases Strength of PP Non -Woven Fabric
- Increases elongation of PP Non- Woven Fabric.
- Helps in increasing calcium carbonate (Filler),masterbatch dosage.
- Polyaid can be used in recycle polymer for polymer stability,which result in better processing.
- Improves dispersion and bonding , which results in better life of fabric.
- Pulverization of the raw material becomes smoothand consistent.
- Increases sealing properties..
- Increases output of the plant.
- Enhances the dispersion of polymer, calcium
and masterbatch.
- Reduces powder formation on the fabric
Dosage of white masterbatch is reduced by using Polyaid.
- Reduces the cost of fabric.
- Available in granular form for easy Handling.
Dosage :
4% to 15% of Polyaid is added keeping the
usual formation unchanged.